3,743 research outputs found

    Modeling and Execution of Multienterprise Business Processes

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    We discuss a fully featured multienterprise business process plattform (ME-BPP) based on the concepts of agent-based business processes. Using the concepts of the subject-oriented business process (S-BPM) methodology we developed an architecture to realize a platform for the execution of distributed business processes. The platform is implemented based on cloud technology using commercial services. For our discussion we used the well known Service Interaction Patterns, as they are empirically developed from typical business-to-business interactions. We can demonstrate that all patterns can be easily modeled and executed based on our architecture. We propose therefore a change from a control flow based to an agent based view to model and enact business processes.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.273

    Addressing the Next Wave of Internet Regulation: The Case For Equal Opportunity

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    In October 2009, the Federal Communications Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rule Making in which it asked for guidance on how to convert a principle of “nondiscrimination on the Internet” into a practical rule for broadband service providers. The ultimate formulation of the nondiscrimination principle could have a significant economic effect on economic welfare in the short term and on innovation. In this paper, we explain the economics of discrimination and offer a new approach for identifying anticompetitive discrimination. Discrimination raises concerns when it interferes with what is often referred to as “equality of opportunity.” However, the Commission’s proposed nondiscrimination policy, which would limit the ability of service providers and content providers to contract on terms that (1) are mutually agreeable to both parties, (2) are available to all prospective consumers, and (3) do not impose significantly externalities on third parties, is inimical to promoting equality of opportunity. Moreover, given the twosided nature of the Internet access market, a blanket rule forbidding broadband service providers from offering quality of service to content providers (and charging for it) would likely harm endusers and certain content providers.

    Oxidation of basaltic tephras: Influence on reflectance in the 1 micron region

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    As part of a ongoing study into the products of hydrovolcanism, tuffs were examined from the Cerro Colorado and Pavant Butte tuff cones. The former resides in the northeastern corner of the Pinacate Volcanic Field in Sonara, Mexico and the latter is in the Black Rock Desert of southern Utah. Numerous samples were collected and many of these had their Vis/IR reflectance measured. It seems likely that in the palagonite tuffs there is a combination of nanocrystalline ferric oxide phases contributing to the UV absorption edge, but not to the 1 micron band, plus more crystalline ferric oxides which do contribute to that band as well as ferrous iron within unaltered sideromelane which is skewing the band center to longer wavelengths. This work has implications for the study of Mars. The present work indicates that when ferrous and ferric iron phases are both present, their combined spectral contribution is a single band in the vicinity of 1 micron. The center, depth, and width of that feature has potential to be used to gauge the relative proportions of ferrous and ferric iron phases

    Smartphone Wars

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    None.Technology and Industry

    Why the iPhone Won't Last Forever and What the Government Should Do to Promote its Successor

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    Because of the overwhelming, positive response to the iPhone as compared to other smart phones, exclusive agreements between handset makers and wireless carriers have come under increasing scrutiny by regulators and lawmakers. In this paper, we document the myriad revolutions that have occurred in the mobile handset market over the past twenty years. Although casual observers have often claimed that a particular innovation was here to stay, they commonly are proven wrong by unforeseen developments in this fast-changing marketplace. We argue that exclusive agreements can play an important role in helping to ensure that another must-have device will soon come along that will supplant the iPhone, and generate large benefits for consumers. These agreements, which encourage risk taking, increase choice, and frequently lower prices, should be applauded by the government. In contrast, government regulation that would require forced sharing of a successful break-through technology is likely to stifle innovation and hurt consumer welfare.

    Variable features in the Valles Marineris region of Mars

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    Transient phenomena on Mars have long been recognized in Mariner and Viking images as well as in decades of Earth based telescopic observations. These events are of interest because of the information they present on currently active meteorological and geological processes. Changes in surface albedo patterns and atmospheric conditions can also affect the analysis and interpretation of data based on spectral or morphological properties of geologic units on the surface. The mechanism responsible for albedo pattern change is currently under investigation. Generation and subsequent transportation and deposition of dark sands has been interpreted in the Valles. However, the removal of a bright dust layer is more consistent with the rapid time period of the change (about two months) and with preliminary multispectral mapping results which suggest that the dark streak south of Eos and Coprates Chasmata is spectrally distinguishable from the dark saltating materials found elsewhere in the canyon system. If a layer of bright dust was removed to affect the albedo change, questions concerning how such micron-sized particles are mobilized by the winds during a normally quiescent season (Southern Hemisphere Autumn) should be addressed